Monday, August 6, 2012

Oral interview: Having Confidence before the Panel-By Ogunbiyi A.A

If your knees always  shaky, or you are always nervous or you always lose your voice right before you're about to start being interview by the panel then its time for change. Speaking with confidence before panel comes from practice, improvement of speech patterns and having passion for your subject matter. You can gain confidence by following a few simple techniques that you can practice to improve your comportment .

Interviewee before the Panel

1.Read more. The quality of your speech is in direct proportion to the breadth of your vocabulary. Read books, plays and poetry, so you are familiar with the written word in all its forms. Read famous speeches to understand how words are used to evoke emotion.

2.Breathe deeply. The more room in your diaphragm, the easier it will be for you to push quality sounds past your vocal cords. Breathing properly will help you to pronounce, enunciate and project your words. Always breathe deeply before speaking, and take breaths while speaking. Pace yourself. Do not rush.

3.Exercise your mouth to improve enunciation and pronunciation. Exaggerate the vowel sounds daily. Stretch your mouth wide with each sound.

4.Practice. Read out loud a consistent amount of time per day. Recite poetry, read passages from novels, say the alphabet, recite multiplication tables. Read the back of the cereal box during breakfast. When you are alone, speak your thoughts out loud. Sing to develop the timbre and tone in your voice. Call friends and family members for the sole purpose of practicing how you will speak.

5.Do not get discouraged. Improving your speech will not happen over night; famous actors, politicians and orators have stuttered or had serious speech impediments. Whatever talent they were not born with, they worked for. Believe in yourself. Know that, with a sincere will and daily effort, you can speak clearly and eloquently.

6.Improve your writing skills. Study punctuation, grammar and spelling, as well as expository and narrative writing. Give yourself assignments and work on them until you are satisfied you have done your best. Your English teachers will tell you to "write the way you speak"; by improving your writing, the quality of your speaking will inevitably improve.

This article has show tips on how to have confidence while attempting the oral interview. The tips are Read more, breathe deeply, exercise your mouth to improve enunciation and pronunciation, practice, do not be discouraged and improve your writing skills

All the best!!!

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